Wednesday 26 June 2024

The following five posts show various painting/modelling tasks I have completed this month, several pictures having captions on the images.



The boat will be used in my fantasy/medieval campaign of Petaudia. The rigging is made from darning thread/cotton. I am not entirely sure I have rigged it correctly - there are no instructions for that with the model, so I just followed a picture I found on the internet of a completed model by someone else!


Tuesday 11 June 2024

The Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg has a digital archive which contains a great number of very useful sources for the 17th Century: Digital Archive Marburg - The DigAM Project - Home. I would thoroughly recommend anyone interested in researching that period of military history to make use of the website.

I found a document which is an order of battle for the Dutch army from the summer of 1677. I have edited and translated it and produced a PDF which you can download. Although the army did not engage the French directly in battle that season, laying siege to Charleroi instead - although without success - it does provide a useful list of the Dutch regiments on campaign at that date. I hope anyone interested in the Franco-Dutch War can make some use of it.

Dutch Order of Battle Summer 1677