Sunday 12 March 2023

Last week I managed to put up the big tabletop and play several ACW games. The first was based on the Battle of Stones River and was organised for four players, plus me as umpire. However, real life matters intervened and only two of my wargaming opponents could make it in the end. I was so busy umpiring and helping both players, I failed to take any pictures, which I had very much hoped to for this blog.

The scenario did not really turn out as I had expected, mainly because of the different styles of the two players. Richard, as the Confederates, relied heavily on firepower and was very cautious about taking risks, while Steve as the Union player was happy to throw in troops with grim abandon on one flank and trade shots in the centre, but neglected to use his numerical advantage until too late. Player personality is something to bear in mind when organising games and sides and victory conditions.

Anyway, a number of issues having arisen with the rules and having permission from my lovely wife to keep control of the dining room for a few more days, I rearranged the terrain and fought two more battles. This time I managed some pictures. They are not in any particular order and mixed up from both engagements, but hopefully they give a good sense of the action.

Almost all the figures are Perry Miniatures hard plastic 28mm ACW range, with mounted officers from their ACW metal range.


  1. Thanks for all of the shots, very much enjoyed them. A couple of good ideas there that I like - limited artillery ammo and the test to have units stop firing!
