Monday 18 December 2023

Apologies for the quiet blog, but we have had builders in for two weeks and then decorating, which meant the dining room was a storage area for furniture, etc, and then there was Xmas preparations, and now my poor wife has Covid, so I am looking after her and trying not to catch it as well! Anyway, here are some pictures from my Thirty Years War campaign in 15mm, the last two engagements, which I played before the builders arrived. They are a mixture of the two battles, a variety of figure manufacturers, some date back forty years, and the rules are mine, a variation on Shako (1st edition) designed for the 17th Century, which play quite fast. The campaign is progressing slowly though, I am only up to 1622, as it keeps getting put on the backburner for other projects!

The die indicates hits on a unit; the counters indicate disordered (green or red, according to side) and retreating (white - one means one turn, two means two turns).


  1. The single bases look excellent …. Particularly Pike & Shot. Hope you are allCovid free by Christmas.

    1. Thanks! I think single base units for 15mm are best and make life easier for moving around the table. My wife has tested negative now and is on the road to recovery. Merry Christmas to you!
