Sunday 25 February 2024

Last month my regular opponent Steve came round for a game of Sun King 1672-78. I put on a small battle based on one of C. Grant's Tabletop Teasers - No. Three, Advanced Guard Action, tweaked for the late 17th Century, i.e. a higher proportion of cavalry to infantry, dragoons instead of light infantry. Steve took the Allies, I took the French. There was a lot of cavalry action, not much infantry fighting. By the time stumps were drawn, Steve had the edge as his infantry reinforcements were closing in on the bridge I had to hold and he had the village as the last occupier. Rules are my own; figures almost all North Star 1672; flags are League of Augsburg or homemade; tabletop is 6 feet by 4 feet; terrain from various manufacturers modern and defunct!

Here are some photographs of the action.


  1. Thanks, I enjoyed your table and pics very much.
