The second game in my Petaudia week of Dragon Rampant games involved the Orelians under the Baron of Cairbar chopping down trees in the Odhaernir Forest for fuel and construction purposes, actions which brought the elves down upon them in an attempt to drive them away. The game had woodcutters scattered around clearings, Orelians units deployed to protect them, the elves entering from off table, and two forest creatures to disrupt matters. In the end, victory went to the elves as I played them in a much more sensible way - keep to the rough terrain and over of the woods and pick off the humans with deadly archery before rushing in to finish them off. Also the elves had more success winning the dice rolls to control the forest creatures. The elves did not manage to kill or capture many woodcutters, but they did drive them off and cause a lot of losses to the Baron's men. Honours now even!
Scenario No. 2: The Woodcutters’ Clearings.
Bevorod, Baron of Cairbar, has sent woodcutters
into the
The humans are already in position in an area of the forest where the woodcutters are at work. Irregular swathes of cleared, though interconnected, ground should be bordered by large clumps of trees, rocks, ponds, covering the table to its edges. The elves will attack from through the woods, hoping to surprise the humans.
The elves must drive off the woodcutters and defeat the latter’s defending troops. The Baron and his force must prevent the woodcutters being slain and defeat the elves.
A side is defeated if only two units remain or its command unit has been lost at the end of a turn.
The woodcutters are placed at random along the edges of the trees, busy at work. The Baron’s units are positioned at least 9” apart (centre to centre) in the cleared areas. The woodcutters remain in position until they are directly attacked or see an approaching threat.
Any woodcutter contacted base-to-base by an eleven unit is removed from the table as lost. The elves cannot shoot at the woodcutters, they have to move into contact them with them (they do not need to make an Attack activation, a normal Move activation is sufficient). If an elven unit is seen by a woodcutter in time, they will run away (8” speed) directly towards the nearest friendly unit and then head for the south exit from the forest, continuing to move until they leave the table.
The elves enter from the north-west corner of the table, concealed by the trees. The elves count as the attacker in the scenario for every turn.
In addition, the activities of the woodcutters and the sound of fighting have disturbed a forest lizard and a small tribe of wild fungi. Place the forest lizard at the south-west corner of the table, the wild fungi at the north-east corner, within the trees. Each side rolls 1d6 at the start of a turn for the two groups of creatures; highest score controls them, as long as they are within 18” of their command base at the beginning of the turn. They can be directed to attack any opposing unit. Therefore, it is possible for each side to control one of the creatures during a turn. The forest lizards and wild fungi will fight to the death. However, they cannot be ordered to attack each other. The woodcutters react to the forest lizards and wild fungi in the same way as they would to an elven unit.
Cairbar Force
Baron RMU [2] Elite Foot 6 Points x1
Household Longbows 12 x figures Light Missiles 6 Points x1
Levy Longbows 12 x figures Light Missiles 4 Points x1
Spears 12 x figures Heavy Foot 4 Points x2
Goblin Swords 12 x figures Light Foot (Merc.) 3+1 Points x1
(Mercenary units cost 1 point extra, being trained and ready to fight)
Odhaernir Force
Elf Ranger Lord
Elf Ranger Longbows RMU [8] Light Missiles 4 Points x1
Elf Guard Longbows RMU [8] Light Missiles 5 Points x1
Elf Longbows 12 x figures Light Missiles 5 Points x1
Elf Band 12 x figures Light Foot 5 Points x1
Forest Lizard Special
Wild Fungi Special RMU [2] Lesser Warbeast 6 Points x1