Sunday, 19 January 2025

Last week was a Petaudia campaign week and managing to get control of the dining room for several days, I managed to play three games using Dragon Rampant rules. The games followed in sequence, each scenario leading on to the next one, so like a mini-campaign. I hope to carry on with further games in the sequence.
It also gave me a chance to play with some of my re-based figures. Here are pictures of the two sides in the first scenario - the Orelians in blue and white (human troops) and the Wood Elves in appropriate green below.

As you can see I have abandoned the single-base figures of the original rules and fixed the relevant figures of each unit onto large round bases. I did this because Dragon Rampant units do not have to worry about facings at all; they have 360 degree line of sight and flank and rear attacks are not a problem. Plus it avoids the odd issue that when shooting only one figure needs to be in range for all the figures in the unit to be able to shoot, so you ended up with a figure that could be 24-30" away from the target, but still able to hit it even though its maximin range was 18". A similar problem applies with close combat as well. With the round bases, distances are measured from the edge. In addition, it rather speeds the game up, not having to move individual figures!
The main unit bases are 6mm thick cork coasters, which are a bit thick visually, but were needed to stay rigid enough for metal figures. Plastic figures I have stuck on thinner coasters of 4mm. I went for looser formations for some figure types, e.g. elven bowmen, and more ordered for others, e.g. close order spearmen.
Anyway, it seemed to work well with the first few games and so I intend to carry on re-basing the rest of the collection. 
On to the first game:

The table - four feet wide, three feet deep - set up for the game. Woodland in the corners and a rocky area in the centre.
The central rocky area.
Which is the wyvern's lair! The model is an inexpensive children's toy, heavily repainted. I think it was originally marketed as a dragon, but I thought it should be some kind of wyvern.
A band of elves.
The elf commander, I think this is an old Grenadier Models figure. Unlike the original Dragon Rampant rules, I do not include leaders within a unit, but count them as a separate unit in their own right.
Orelian hobilars. Good old Essex Miniatures figures which have done sterling service for many years.
The wyvern was controlled randomly in this game, so can attack either side. In the event, the Orelians got control of it the most, much to the misfortune of the elves!
The elf commander fighting it out with the wyvern. The small round bases nearby are magnetic casualty markers, which look much nicer than small dice.
The hobilars play cat-and-mouse with the elves in the woods.
The Orelians are only just all on the table, while the elves are all over the place by this stage.
The wyvern has been driven off by the elf commander and the hobilars are retreating away from the elven bowmen in the forest.
The Orelian commander with his banner bearer.
Orelian longbowmen retainers.
The wyvern takes on the eleven band.
And then the elven spearmen.
The elven band has broken and run, as has one of the Orelian longbow units - I like to leave such units on the table for a turn or two for the photographs, ordinarily they are removed immediately under the rules.
The hobilars, supported by their spearmen, have galloped forward as the elven spearmen break and run. The wyvern has retreated to its lair, from where it then flew away from the battle.
Orelian spearmen taking on elven bowmen, but in this instance the elves won the fight
and broke the spear unit.
A much thinned out table.
Another elven unit breaks and runs, which means the Orelians win the game, but only just!

Here are the rules for the scenario. I use a slightly different point system for Dragon Rampant, but both sides should be equal points, while the Hobilars as Medium Riders are a made up unit type for the rules. RMU = Reduced Model Unit, SMU = Single Model Unit.

Scenario No. 1: The Forest Wyvern’s Lair.

Bevorod, Baron of Cairbar, has led his army into the Odhaerir Forest in search of plunder and elven captives to sell in the slave markets of Urganda, where they fetch high prices. The elven princess, Elendrin, who rules the Odhaernir, has been warned by her scouts and eagles that the forest has been invaded. She sends a force under the command of her brother, Anarwadrin, to drive the Orelians out and slay the wicked humans who trouble her lands.

The opposing sides encounter one another in a large glade in the forest wherein is the lair of a forest wyvern. The centre of the glade should have a clump of trees and some rocks wherein the creature dwells. It counts as rough terrain. There should be a track into the glade from opposite sides of the table, with large clumps of trees, rocks, ponds, distributed all around the rest of the table.

The side which defeats the other can plunder the creature’s lair as long as it has been slain or has fled the battlefield.

A side is defeated if only two units remain or its command unit has been lost at the end of a turn. Otherwise, end the game at 15 turns and total up each side’s lost points; highest total wins. The two sides enter the table from opposite sides. As it is an encounter game, roll 1d6, highest wins, to decide who the attacker is for that turn.

The forest wyvern is neutral at the start of the battle. Each side rolls 1d6 at the start of a turn; highest score controls the creature, as long as it is within 18” of their command base at the beginning of the turn. It can be directed to attack any opposing unit.

If the forest wyvern’s SP is reduced to 1, it can no longer be controlled, but roll 1d6: 1 or 2 – it retreats to its lair and defends it to the death against any side; 3, 4, 5 or 6 – it abandons its lair and flees the battlefield in a random direction.

If one side is defeated, no further control die is rolled and the defeated side controls the forest wyvern against its opponent until the creature is slain or flees.

Whichever side wins the battle will plunder the forest wyvern’s lair, roll 1d6:

            1 – A Scroll of Dispel Thee!

            2 – A Stone of Power = automatically cast one spell which cannot be dispelled.

            3 – A Magic Sword = enchanted weapon.

            4 – A Scroll of Befuddle Thee!

            5 – A Coat of Magic Armour = mystical armour.

            6 – A Staff of Power = automatically cast a Power Bolt!

Cairbar Force

Baron    RMU [2]    Elite Foot    6 Points    x1

Household Longbows    12 x figures    Light Missiles    6 Points    x1

Hobilars    RMU [4]    Medium Riders    4 Points    x1

Levy Longbows    12 x figures    Light Missiles    4 Points    x1

Spears    12 x figures    Heavy Foot    4 Points    x2

Odhaernir Force

Elf Guardian    SMU [1]    Elite Foot    9 Points    x1

Elf Longbows    12 x figures    Light Missiles    5 Points    x2

Elf Spears    12 x figures    Light Spears    4 Points    x1

Elf Band    12 x figures    Light Foot    5 Points    x1

Forest Wyvern

Forest Wyvern    Special SMU [1]    Greater Warbeast    10 Points    x1


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