Thursday 15 June 2023

My Petaudia campaign is the main theme this week and I managed to fight another Dragon Rampant action. The Celerian War is continuing and the goblins have reached the East March's capital, Iota. Not being strong enough to storm it or besiege it, the goblin leader opened negotiations for a pay-off to make him withdraw his forces. Yes, that seems rather clever for goblins, but this was all decided by dice rolls! Anyway, the baron of the East March has got a relief force approaching and decided to sally out and attack the goblins, hoping to capture their camp and their plunder from his lands. The result was not quite what I expected: the baron's sally was beaten off and the relief force made less of a contribution than intended. The goblin commander, being something of a wily fellow, decided to pull out while the going was still good and got away with his captives and booty, gaining much kudos with his tribe and the neighbouring ones back in Harpagia.

The game was planned to last twelve turns, which is my usual amount for a Dragon Rampant game, but by the end of Turn Eight it was pretty clear that the East March was not going to achieve its objectives. It was fought on a four foot by three foot table. The town walls are, I think, by Zvezda, bought many years ago, the hills, hedges and some trees by S&A Scenics, the marsh I bought at a Salute show, the tents are by Renedra, the figures are a range of manufacturers: Vendel and Essex predominate.

Here are some pictures.

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