Friday 20 October 2023

This is a Sun King week in my schedule, or the 1672-1678 War to be more precise. I did not manage any figure painting but I did have a game. I thought I would do the same scenario as last week's A.C.W. game, playing the defence myself and the attacker being the pre-programmed assailant. I was more faithful to the forces suggested in C.S. Grant's book this time, although with some tweaking, and it meant there was not much cavalry for a 1672-1678 battle, when armies often had 33% to 50% as mounted troops.

Anyway, I lost again! 2-0 to the pre-programmed player, although I had a better fight this time. I set out my defence first, then rolled for the attacker, who ended up with most of his units on the centre and left. I played for twelve turns, which is my usual number, and there was a clear result by then. The cavalry fought it out on one flank, while the infantry, dragoons and artillery clashed in the centre. In spite of my defeat, it was an enjoyable game. I also manage to tweak some of the rules for more realistic outcomes or to tie up loose ends. Rules are my own, figures are almost all North Star 1672 and some Warfare Miniatures/League of Augsburg.

Here are the photographs, some with captions.


  1. Thanks for all the photos and the time taken to present this. Smashing looking game and armies.

    1. Thanks for the nice comments, as always!
