Monday 9 September 2024

Action in Meeks Valley - Part Two.

The photographs show the action on Table 5 to 8 as the Confederate advance units continue to withdraw down the valley and the Union reconnaissance force presses on after them. The Union troops never quite caught up enough with the Confederates and the latter got away far enough ahead to be ready for the final fight at Meeksboro.

The view along the valley towards Bolt's Farm.
 Tables Five and Six.
Tables Five, Six and Seven.
Tables Seven and Eight.
The Confederates falling back towards Bolt's Farm: 4th Virginia and 16th Louisiana on the road, with the 6th Alabama out to the right, while the 5th Texas Cavalry have dismounted to the left. The Confederate commander, Brigadier General Thomas, waves his men on.

More Confederates in position at Bolt's Farm
 20th South Carolina in the orchard, with Baker's Battery in support.
The Confederate orders are merely to delay the Union force, not bring on a general engagement, so the retiring units continue on along the road past the farm. In the distance, the 6th Alabama is lagging behind as it makes its way past Carraway's Wood.
Union cavalry are first onto the field in the pursuit.
5th Pennsylvania Cavalry dismounts, 19th New York Cavalry waits;
Brigadier General Rusty in command.
Here come the Union infantry of the 1st Brigade.
The opposing cavalry start to skirmish.
Baker's Battery opens fire.

Brigadier General Florence waves his men forward.
The 5th Texas Cavalry mount up and pull back.
The 6th Alabama nears Bolt's Farm and safety as the 5th Texas Cavalry
rides up the ridge pas Baker's Battery.
The leading Union regiments shake out into line formation as they come under artillery fire.
On the flanks of the infantry column the Union cavalry push forward.
The 6th Alabama reaches the ridge as Baker's Battery continues firing on the approaching Union troops.
The Confederates marching past the cornfield and heading towards Meeksboro at the head of the valley.
The Union force presses forward, trying to catch the retreating Confederates and bring on a fight.
The 20th South Carolina's skirmish line engages the enemy, the latter still taking fire from Baker's Battery on the ridge.

The 6th Alabama getting away past the cornfield.
The 20th South Carolina starts to pull back, recalling its skirmishers at the same time.
The Union cavalry, urged on by Brigadier General Rusty, try to catch the retiring Confederates.

Brigadier General Thomas has kept Baker's Battery deployed behind the ridge to support the 20th South Carolina and it fires on the Union 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry as they come into view.

The Union cavalry fall back, unwilling to take on the Confederate battery and infantry, while the Union infantry press forward through the orchard.

The 10th Illinois and 19th Ohio press forward, waved on by Brigadier General Florence.
The rest of the Union 1st Brigade moving up the valley road.

To be continued...


  1. Many thanks, glad you enjoyed it, more soon to conclude the campaign.
    Regards Adrian
