Thursday 19 September 2024

 Action in Meeks Valley - Part Three.

The concluding part of the mini-campaign. The Confederate force falls back to Meeksboro and takes up a defensive position across the exit to the valley. The Union troops move up and launch an attack to break through and secure the two roads, plus the railroad station. I added the station for a bit of extra terrain interest.

The complete Confederate force - six infantry regiments,
two cavalry regiments and two artillery batteries.
Deployed for action, with three infantry regiments up front, holding Meeksboro and its flanks, three infantry regiments in support, with the artillery on the hill behind the town and the cavalry in reserve.

The Union cavalry brigade leads the advance.
And comes under fire from Baker's and William's Batteries on the hill
(both are 12pdr Napoleon batteries).

Back come the 19th New York Cavalry as the 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry deploy off the road.
The Union 1st Brigade enters the battlefield.
15th Pennsylvania deploys under artillery fire.
The following regiments deploy under cover of Snort's Wood.
In an unexpectedly bold move, Brigadier General Rusty leads his troopers up onto Philby's Ridge, intending to flank the enemy.
The Union 1st Brigade almost deployed for its assault.
The Confederate commander, Brigadier General Thomas, sends the 5th North Carolina out to the right to secure the end of the ridge and repulse the Union cavalry.
The Union infantry clear the snake and rail fence and advance from Snort's Wood.
Battery A, 4th U.S. Artillery, has deployed on the Union right, ready to support the attack. The 2nd Brigade begins to arrive on the field.
Skirmishers along the Confederate front begin to pick off the advancing enemy.

The Union 2nd Brigade marching smartly up the road.
The Union cavalry dismount at the end of Philby's Ridge on the rocky height.

The 15th Pennsylvania retreats back into Snort's Wood.
A Battery, 4th U.S. Artillery opens fire.
The Union 2nd Brigade starts to manoeuvre into position.
The Confederate 4th Virginia comes under shell fire at the edge of Dagenham's Wood.
The Union cavalry start firing on the advancing 5th North Carolina.
Discretion proves the better part of valour! The prospect of that many rifled muskets and a bayonet charge put the wind up the Union cavalry. The flank move fizzles out.
The Union 2nd Brigade divides its strength, some to the right through Crockett's Wood and along McGrew's Ridge, others to the left along the road.
The Union 1st Brigade tries again, advancing from Snort's Wood, with the 10th Illinois sent up onto Philby's Ridge on its left.
The Union cavalry racing back as their infantry goes forward in the centre.
The 5th North Carolina secure the end of Philby's Ridge.
The Union 2nd Brigade still moving up.
The 15th Pennsylvania breaks and runs.
The 2nd Michigan goes forward, urged on by Brigadier General Florence.
The 5th North Carolina and 10th Illinois exchange fire on the ridge.
The Union 2nd Brigade hurries forward.
The 20th South Carolina has fallen back through the orchard, but the 2nd Michigan have broken, leaving the way clear for the 19th Ohio and 20th Pennsylvania.
The Union 2nd Brigade shakes out into battle line on the right wing.
The Union cavalry now spectators only.
The last units of the Union 1st Brigade expend themselves in a futile attack
against the Confederate defence.

The 5th North Carolina presses forward as the 10th Illinois break and run.

The Union 2nd Brigade starts its assault on the right wing.
The division commander, Major General Dylan, arrives on the field with his orderly, but his plan of attack is about to fail, lacking coordination between his brigades.
The 15th Texas moves up to support the 4th Virginia on the Confederate left flank.

In the distance, the Union 2nd Brigade advances as the 1st Brigade pulls back.

The 4th Virginia puts up a tremendous fight on the edge of Dagenham's Wood, supported by the Confederate batteries.

Bothe Union batteries in action now (10pdr rifled), but too late in the battle.
The 5th North Carolina has flanked the Union 1st Brigade from Philby's Ridge.
The 9th Illinois falls back, beaten back by the defenders' fire.
The 15th Texas adds its firepower to the action, helping to repel the 1st Michigan.
The last turn, with the Confederate defence holding firm and the Union 2nd Brigade struggling to make headway, while the 1st Brigade is a spent force, falling back on Snort's Wood.
A copy of the original map from C.S. Grant's book, with the tables in sequence.
My revised map, with the extra terrain details and placenames, showing the eventual sequence in which the tables occurred, starting at 1 and going up the left column, then 3 at the bottom of the right column and going up.

I very much enjoyed playing this mini-campaign. The pursuit up the valley proved a particularly interesting and different series of small games to play. The number of units involved was easily manageable. The final battle was not played well by me for the Union side! I should have coordinated the two infantry brigades, but I hurried the 1st into battle without waiting for the 2nd. But then that was often how battle's unfolded then, it seems to me. Anyway, it meant a win for the Confederates, as they held the exits to Meeks Valley and the railroad station. Hopefully, you enjoyed reading about it all and the photographs.

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