Saturday 27 January 2024

After putting on a refight of the Battle of Mont Cassel last year I got somewhat carried away with enthusiasm to find out more about it, especially as there were several gaps or contradictions in the evidence I accumulated for my refight. So I have spent some time gathering as much information as I could about it and writing it up. I attach below the fruits of my labours for anyone to access. It is a PDF document, 82 pages, including maps and appendices. I hope it is of interest and welcome any feedback, good or bad, as well as new information or corrections.

The Battle of Mont Cassel 1677


  1. A fantastic piece of work! Many thanks for sharing.

    1. Many thanks, glad you liked it. I very much like your blog; 15mm TYW is a long-standing feature of my wargaming.

    2. Thank you, Adrian. 👍 The 17th century seems to be endlessly fascinating 😀.

  2. Wonderful. What great work. I'll be dipping back into that many times, thank you very much.

    1. Many thanks, hope it is of use. As ever, my interest is helped by those lovely 1672 figures!
