Friday 31 May 2024

I have not managed a game this week, but May has been quite productive in terms of painting and modelling.

Some items for my fantasy games.
A bone found in the garden when weeding! From some giant pre-historic creature or monster?
A plastic mounting from a plastic aquatic plant to represent an unusual rock formation?
A large pebble off a beach to represent some ancient religious feature - a red eyed god?
The last of my plastic town walls. I think they were Renedra, bought many years ago.
Inspired by Norm from Battlefields and Warriors, I made a cornfield for my ACW games out of a plastic aquatic plant. I did not have his patience to drill and glue individual plants! But I think they look okay.
A few more sci-fi/future war models completed as well.
Above is a resin/metal Antenocitis scout car with some Old Crow accessories.

A point defence model and some AA batteries, also resin/metal from Antenocitis I think, although I am not sure, they were bought a long time ago!

And finally, some casualty markers for my 1670s games.
The bases are from Vital Ground, using small magnets, with numbers up to 12.

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