Monday 13 May 2024

Last week was intended for ACW in my roster of wargaming weeks and by good fortune my regular opponent Steve was able to come round for a game. It gave him an opportunity to bring his extensive and lovely collection of cavalry figures and use them on the table; I supplied all the infantry and artillery units. I organised a battle based on Prairie Grove from 1862, roughly following the opposing sides but with slight alterations to the terrain, mainly because I could not replicate the long ridge the Confederates were deployed on and also because I was fitting it on to a six feet by four feet board. I played the Union and Steve the Confederates. We played through to 10 turns, then Steve had to leave early, but by then his large reinforcements were well onto the table and he had repelled my left hand division before the right hand one had really deployed for action. It was an enjoyable game and I would certainly recommend it as an interesting one, as well as one of a manageable size.

Here are some photographs.


  1. Yes, a lovely sized action. I really like that log fence / barrier.

  2. Thanks, home-made from sticks and bits from the garden. The cavalry stayed hunkered down behind it all game!
