Friday 31 May 2024

I went to Partizan at Newark, UK, and had a pleasant time. I bought a few items on my shopping list, which I was pleased about. I managed to get a very nice group of second-hand painted ACW dismounted Federal cavalry from Colonel Bill's which I have rebased for the rules I use:

I got to the show about 11 a.m. and it was very busy inside, reflecting its popularity. It also got very warm inside by early afternoon! People who obviously were used to the heat had come in shorts and flip-flops! By about 2 p.m. the numbers had thinned out and it was easier to get around. There were lots of offers for figures, paints, scenery, books, etc. and a variety of traders, enough I thought to cater for most interests.

There was a lot of demonstration and participation games. The latter seemed to me mostly small in size, perhaps for a few people, but as I was not there to play, I did not really spend much time looking at them. As for the demonstration games, there were many of very high quality in terms of scenery and figures, across a range of conflicts real and imagined. I did take my camera, but in the end I felt that plenty of other people would have much better pictures to show on the internet than I could produce with my little pocket thing, so I did not take any images in the end. I have to say that, although there were very impressive games on display- and all praise to the clubs and individuals who put the effort and time in - I did not spend long studying them. For some reason, they did not "grab" me, perhaps because they were well beyond anything I could attain or because I am settled in my ways with my chosen periods or they were a bit on the fringe of mainstream wargames.

Anyway, I thought it an excellent showcase for the hobby and a nice size of show as well. I will attend again next year, I am sure.


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