Sunday 2 January 2022

And last, but by no means least, a French horse regiment for my Sun King 1670s collection - Colonel-Général, which was formerly Turenne's regiment of cavalry. He held the office of Colonel-Général of Horse under Louis XIV and on his death in 1675 the regiment took that title. The uniform is a grey coat with black cuffs and extras. There are several variants of the unit flag available commercially: these are from Maverick Models. The white tower on the flag is from Turenne's coat of arms. I tend to give my horse regiments a variety of colours for their mounts in the belief that the rigours of campaigning would soon lead to replacements of all shapes and sizes appearing in the ranks. I have done the trumpeter in reverse colours and on a white horse, although I do not know if the latter was common at the time. As ever, the figures are 28mm metal North Star 1672 (ex-Copplestone Castings).

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