Sunday 2 January 2022

Some other products of the painting table over the festive season have been for my Fescennia Napoleonics "imag-nation" campaign - a light company for the Arcadian Foreign Legion, a Jäger company for the Nemean army, a light company for the Fescennian Trading Company's garrison at Bowlport, and a regiment of Line infantry for the Arcadian army.

The Arcadian Foreign Legion's Light Company - Hinchliffe 25mm metal French figures.
The Nemean Jäger Company No.2 - very old Hinchliffe 25mm metal figures, first bought in the 1970s and now given a new lease of life as a fictional unit. The difference in detail between models from then and those from now is particularly noticeable!
The Bowlport Customs and Excise Company - 25mm metal British Napoleonics, I think, bought cheap at SELWG 2021. I don't know who the manufacturer was for these models.
The Arcadian 5th Line Regiment. The figures are 28mm hard plastic Victrix French Middle Guard - this box is a bargain as you get 60 figures for £25, so I can usually get two regiments of 24 figures out of it, plus an extra odd company. They are nice poses, pretty easy to glue together (very helpful when you have big fingers!) and easy to paint as well.

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