Friday 21 January 2022

I have just completed a unit of Brandenburg infantry for my Sun King forces. The Brandenburg troops fought along the Rhine in support of the Imperial forces against the French. The figures are from Reiver Castings and I purchased them at the SELWG show last year. The unit includes a company of grenadiers on the right flank.

The unit I have painted is Grafen von Dohna's regiment. However, the uniform colours and the regimental standards are based upon calculated guesswork rather than hard facts. The best details for Brandenburg-Prussia uniforms and flags date from 1685 onwards, with very little that I can find before that time. I found one reference which suggested von Dohna's regiment may have worn a coat that was all blue in 1668, so went with that possibility. For the regimental standards, I went with the idea that they might have been a "national" flag and a colonel's flag, having found a copy of a 1657 flag of Brandeburg (the red eagle) and a copy of Graf von Dohna's coat of arms from the late 17th Century.

If anyone out there knows any different I would welcome the information! Here are the pictures: